Yoga Classes/Therapy Oakville

“If you can breathe, you can do yoga.” - Tirumalai Krishnamacharya

Yoga Therapy is a healing style of Yoga developed by the renowned Indian teacher Krishnamacharya, which was popularized throughout the western world by his son T.K.V. Desikachar. The central characteristic of Yoga Therapy is the tailoring of the yoga practice to suite the individual student; the instruction will depend upon the student's starting point, taking into consideration factor's such their current state of health, stage of life, and emotional mindset. With the needs of the student in mind, the teacher utilizes tools drawn from the Indian healing system of Ayurveda and the classical yoga teachings found in Patanjali's yoga sutras, such as the therapeutic use of asanas (yoga postures), pranayama (yogic breathing) and dhyana (meditation). While the regular practice of Hatha Yoga allows the healthy individual to maintain balance; Yoga therapy applies specific yogic principles to guide an individual already in a state of psychological or physical suffering toward a healthy state. Yoga Therapy is meant to be a self-empowering practice, which helps facilitate healing in a non-invasive, complimentary manner.

In a group setting, Yoga Therapy can be practiced as a way to build community and address challenges that affect all in that community, such as seasonal weather shifts, cultural stresses and common physical challenges. The classes are structured around the principle of Vinyasa Krama; the art of intelligently structuring a class step-by-step toward a challenging goal and neutralizing any unwanted stress from meeting the goal through counter-poses and relaxation. All asanas in the sequence are taught with breath instruction; breath is used in this healing practice to help remove mental and physical obstructions and provide improved circulation. Within the classes, modifications of poses are taught so that if any individual student cannot attain a full pose, the student could still achieve the benefits of the pose. Modifications can incorporate the use of yoga props, such as blocks and straps, or alterations to the pose to accommodate a students' injuries or tensions. A group class in Yoga Therapy is developed with the intention of creating an inclusive experience.

Private Yoga Therapy Sessions

One-on-one instruction creates a safe, peaceful environment to help release both physical and emotional tension. Weaving together yoga poses, breathing techniques and meditation, we help to release old habits and holding patterns and introduce new ways of releasing your daily stressors.

Group Yoga Therapy Classes

Practicing Yoga Therapy in a group setting can be exciting! Each group, each day and each class is different. Classes can be geared towards stress management or other seasonal issues, which allows us an opportunity to learn and grow from each other.

Please visit our schedule and class description for more information

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