Iyengar Yoga is the practice of precision which pays close attention to anatomical details and the alignment of each posture. Poses are held for long periods and often modified with props. It was founded by B.K.S. Iyengar to systematically cultivate strength, flexibility, stability, and awareness, and can be therapeutic for specific conditions.
The Iyengar approach to yoga is firmly based on the traditional eight limbs of yoga expounded by Patanjali in his classic "The Yoga Sutras", which was written over 2,500 years ago. B.K.S. Iyengar practiced daily during his 96 years.
What is unique about Iyengar Yoga is that it is characterised in the practice of asana and pranayama with the innovative approach emphasising precision and alignment, planned sequencing, timing and the use of props. This approach has allowed people of varying ages, levels of health and fitness to enjoy the benefits which a sustained practice can bring – the ability to face the physical, mental and emotional challenges of contemporary life with strength, vitality, mobility, thoughtfulness and equanimity.
The term “Iyengar Yoga” was coined by students of Mr. Iyengar to distinguish his approach from other styles of yoga. He, however, described his yoga as “Patanjali Yoga” and said:
“I have no right to brand my practices or teachings as Iyengar Yoga. My pupils, who follow me, call it Iyengar Yoga. The only thing I am doing is to bring out the in-depth, the hidden qualities of Yoga to the awareness of you all. What I do is pure, authentic traditional Yoga. It is wrong to differentiate traditional yoga Iyengar Yoga, as it is also not fair to brand Yoga, as Raja-yoga, Hatha-yoga, Laya-yoga, Kundalini-yoga, Taraka-yoga and so forth. There is no distinction between one Yoga and another. Yoga, like God is one.”
Zhanna Zeleke is an Iyengar Certified Yoga teacher, certified through Iyengar Yoga Association of Canada. Zhanna works with students of all ages and abilities and is able to help support students with physical limitations.
Here's a testimonial from one of Zhanna's students, who practiced with Zhanna right up to a few days before she gave birth: "You have no idea how much yoga with you helped me to stay strong."
Private Iyengar Instruction
One-on-one instruction creates a safe, peaceful environment to help release both physical and emotional tension. Private sessions are a great way to understand and deepen your yoga practice.
Group Iyengar Classes
Practicing Iyengar in an intimate group setting can be exciting as each group, each day and each class is different. Group classes allow us an opportunity to learn and grow from each other.
FOUNDATIONS CLASSES - for beginners to Iyengar
LEVEL 2 CLASSES - for more advanced Iyengar students
Iyengar Yoga FAQ's
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