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Moving out of Anger…
Anger is one of the most common emotions we all experience; it is quite normal to get angry. However, it seems today many of us are getting angry more often and sometimes without very good reason. It’s all around us – we are bombarded with images and stories in the news as mainstream media sells…
+ Read MoreWhat Stresses You?
Stress is a subject that we all hear about all the time; we talk about it, we hear about it in the media, we blame others, events and situations for it, and ever day there seems to be a new ‘cure’ for stress. Have you ever noticed exactly how the word ‘stress’ makes you…
+ Read MoreAyurveda – The Future Of Medicine…
Over the past 50 years, modern medicine has minimized the risk of many diseases, performed sophisticated surgeries, transplanted organs and created many other cures to life threatening illnesses. North America is very fortunate to have some of the best medical facilities in the world. However, despite all of these medical advancements, many illnesses including heart disease,…
+ Read MoreAll About GMO’s
By: Jerri Johns, Holistic Nutritionist, Mississauga,Ontario. CanadaYou may have heard the term GMO or genetically modified organism. There may be some confusion as to whether they are good or bad for us. A GMO is a laboratory process of taking genes from one species and inserting it into another, altering DNA. It creates unstable combinations…
+ Read MoreMeditation Creates Awareness – Awareness Creates Rituals – 2 Of 2
Part 2 of 2 To read part 1 of 2 click –https://mindfulocity.com/meditation-creates-awareness-awareness-creates-rituals-1-of-2/ As we shared in the last blog post, one of the many benefits of a ritual, and more specifically the ritual of meditation, is that a regular meditation practice can help to create an awareness in – and about – your life. Incorporating this ritual…
+ Read MoreMeditation Creates Awareness – Awareness Creates Rituals – 1 Of 2
Part 1 of 2. Like any thing we do to enhance our lives, such as exercise and healthy eating, it is best if we have a routine that involves consistency. If we do things sporadically we usually do not see results. You’ve probably seen this at your local fitness centre; the parking lot is always…
+ Read MoreOne Method To Help You Deal With Any Stressful Situation
For many years my father-in-law David Smukler, one of the top voice coaches in Canada, as well as his wife Patricia Kern, one of the most revered opera singers of her generation, would tell me to just breathe. We would be having one of our many birthday or cottage meals together and I would be…
+ Read MoreWithout These Five Things You Do Not Have A Profitable Business.
And They’re Easy To Remember As They All Start With The Letter “P”: PRODUCT/SERVICE: You need to offer a something of value to others that they are willing to pay you for, whether it be a product or service. Before you go to venture capitalists (VC’s) or plan your exit strategy, first find some customers.…
+ Read MoreHow a Regular Meditation Practice Changed My Life
It was about 9 years to this day that I landed in sunny San Diego, headed to the Chopra Center at the La Cost Resort and Spa in Carlsbad, California. After the direct flight and feeling a little bit jet-lagged that Sunday afternoon, I sat outside on a patio overlooking one of the 18 hole…
+ Read MoreWater Can Change Everything…
Water is fundamental for every aspect of our health. Our bodies are made up of at least 60% water. It is the primary component of of all our bodily fluids; blood, lymph, digestive juices, urine, tears and sweat. Simply, we cannot work without it, just as a car cannot run without gas and oil. Water…
+ Read MoreWhat The Heck Is Restorative Yoga And Why Should I Do It?
I have been feeling a little off these past few weeks. Working too many hours, grinding too many reps at the gym, and suffering a bit of a personal set back. It happens. We ebb and flow and we burn out. I have been sensing mine coming on and with my intuition getting keener these…
+ Read MoreHow Meditation Can Help Anxiety
Fear is a negative emotion, unless you’re facing an actual threat and need to fight or flee. And the usefulness of fear is minimal in daily life, particularly in the form of anxiety. Stressful events can produce short-term anxiety in almost everyone, which disappears after the event. But for an estimated 6.8 million Americans with Generalized…
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