Joanne Ignatov


“Positive Energy Can heal the Universe” (Unknown)

Hi, my name is Joanne Ignatov. I am a Wife, Mother of two and Energy Worker.

My journey of spiritual unfolding came when I was six years old. I thought it was a game when my Mom would ask what colours I would see around people or objects, but soon realized that these colours had specific meanings which she would explain to me. These were referred to as “Auras". All things are surrounded by an aura which is referred to as an energy field.  I didn’t know it at the time, but this was a life changing phenomenon for me. My Mom was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at the age of 17, was put in hospital at the age of 36 and passed away 9 years later when I was 21.

Soon after, I began going to spiritual mediums to understand more of my gift, and to get a sense of peace from my mother’s passing; to try to understand what she had taught me and to understand this gift that was left to me to figure out.

Throughout this journey I started to have dreams and/or premonitions about worldly events that would occur; the biggest and most horrifying was the attack on The World Trade Centre - one week later it happened.

My story is a testimony to the fact that I was to take this path of spiritual evolution. I know that it is something my Mom would have loved to do but didn’t get the chance to, and  it was her calling in this lifetime to share with me something more, so that I could then share it with others.

I began studying various complementary healing therapies and in discovering Reiki, it became the foundation of my life. I became interested more in mediumship,  healing, angels and nutrition. It has now been several years of learning, developing, and experiencing the craft in becoming a Reiki master.  Throughout my experience I have learned that as we empower ourselves and connect deeply with our spirit, we can achieve healing and true peace in all areas of our lives. My passion is to empower individuals to raise their consciousness and to open infinite possibilities using sound energy healing.

In my work, my heart-centered approach comes from a place of deep empathy and caring. My goal is to always assist my clients with the releasing of trapped energies to find balance and inner peace, to release old limiting mindsets and emotional/physical patterns in order to start the shift of allowing for greater peace, harmony, and well-being.

I am certified in the healing modality of Reiki and am a member of the International Reiki Association, a Registered Practitioner, and a Reiki teacher.  I am committed to the continued development of the healing practice.

As I work with my clients, I connect with them deeply and allow my intuition to guide me to the right modalities or “tools” that will help them the most. Through my sessions I have the ability to channel the higher frequencies which deeply enhances my work. Everyone's experience is different and unique.

My ultimate intention is to assist my clients in empowering themselves and in finding their own inner truth. I strongly believe that we all have the power to create a fulfilling life for ourselves, and live with integrity, from our heart.

All appointments are confidential.

With Love and Joy…..Joanne.


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Hockey was a big part of David's first twenty years. Always a dedicated and focused player, when at fifteen David's father died unexpectedly he kept and honoured his promise to his father and continued to play hockey, earning an athletic scholarship at the Varsity level.

A businessman for more than twenty years, David is currently the co-founder and President of Icegreen (, one of the fastest growing Eco Packaging businesses in Canada.

During his business career the challenges and the stress of being an entrepreneur, in addition to effects of past hockey concussions, affected his health and led to bouts of anxiety and insomnia.

His search to heal himself and to create greater balance in his life inspired him to walk the path towards wholeness and self-transformation.

He began studying meditation, yoga and Ayurveda at the Chopra Centre in San Diego, California and for the past eight years he has been traveling annually to San Diego and has completed Perfect Health, Journey Into Healing and Seduction Of Spirit.

David feels fortunate to have studied personally with some of the foremost Doctors and Meditation teachers in the world, including Deepak Chopra MD, David Simon MD, and Davidji.

He also studied Chi Gong for three years and trained with Master Chi Gong Teacher and Doctor of Chinese Medicine- the late Gerry Fujisawa.

He is currently studying Wing Chun (a form of Martial Arts from the Bruce Lee lineage) and Tai Chi.

As well for the past 10 years he has worked with Nicole Bates - Holistic Healer and Teacher and continues to work with her.

He has recently completed Teacher Training for Restorative Yoga at Octopus Garden Centre in Toronto, Canada.

David is passionate about sharing his hard-won tools and strategies to assist in the co-creation of a life lived with greater peace, balance, vitality and fulfillment.

He is honoured and grateful to assist you in creating a life that is alive and on purpose.


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